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  • Contains: A good assortment of bacteria and yeasts found in traditional kefir grains (proprietary blend), isolated from pure and natural sources in a perfect probiotic balance. Maltodextrine.
  • 2 gr sachet:   From 1 to 2 litres.
  • Type of kefir: Thin texture and tart flavour, a bit less tart than milk kefir from grains.
  • Culturing temperature: 25º-30º C


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Nº 1. KEFIR PACK A: 5 Original Kefir

SKU: 364215376135191

    • Starter cultures selected for their purity and high probiotic qualities, isolated from natural sources all around the world, cultured in a pure atmosphere and freeze dried.
    • CFUs (Colony forming units per sachet):  70.000 million.
    • No stabilizers, preservatives, artificial colours or flavours.
    • All our starters (except Bio Vegan) contain lactose traces, which disappear completely in the process of fermentation.
    • All our starters can be re-cultured 5 times, maintaining a high probiotic quality. Make yogurt or kefir for a month with only one sachet!  No starter in the market can last for ever! If you are concerned with your health, re-culture your home made yogurt or kefir no more than 5 times. No house or fridge is a sterile place!
    • Keep sachets or capsules refrigerated until consumption.
    • Yogurt or kefir for 5 months
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